Kingsley Chima Anwuacha, HRIS Supervisor in Nigeria
Kingsley Chima Anwuacha, human resources information systems (HRIS) data entry supervisor at the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria, talks about the challenge of protecting the public from unqualified providers.
Our Involvement

CapacityPlus’s Amanda Puckett interviewed Kingsley during her recent trip to Nigeria. Among other activities, CapacityPlus is supporting the council to scale up use of the iHRIS Qualify software, which enables the council to track complete data of registered Nigerian nurses and midwives from preservice education through attrition. The system has helped provide a clearer picture of the number of qualified nurses and midwives in the country.
About This Series
CapacityPlus places health workers at the center of our efforts. We embrace the WHO’s broad definition of health workers. Our staff conducted quick, informal interviews with health workers in various countries. We invite you to hear their voices and learn what we’re doing to help them save even more lives.
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