Nadine Mankoto, Nurse in the DRC
Nadine Mankoto, a nurse working in internal medicine at Kintambo General Hospital in Kinshasha, Democratic Republic of the Congo, talks about why she became a health worker and the challenges in her current setting.
Our Involvement

CapacityPlus’s Rachel Deussom interviewed Nadine during her recent trip to the DRC. Rachel was part of a team that assessed the capacity of seven nursing and midwifery schools, including the one in Kintambo, as part of the Nursing Education Partnership Initiative (NEPI). The assessment results are helping inform ministries of health and education, as well as the schools themselves, so they can address priority challenges through strategic investments.
About This Series
CapacityPlus places health workers at the center of our efforts. We embrace the WHO’s broad definition of health workers. Our staff conducted quick, informal interviews with health workers in various countries. We invite you to hear their voices and learn what we’re doing to help them save even more lives.
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