Regina Nicole Koata, Quality Improvement Team Member in Botswana
Regina Nicole Koata, a member of the Quality Improvement Team at Princess Marina Hospital in Gaborone, Botswana, is a dental therapist by training; she shares what she likes most about her current role.
Our Involvement

CapacityPlus’s Alex Collins interviewed Regina in Botswana during a trip to contribute to the human resources information systems work with the Ministry of Health and other partners. The Ministry is using iHRIS Manage, iHRIS Qualify, and iHRIS Train to inform policy, planning, and HR management, as well as to assist training institutions and health professional councils in tracking preservice education, in-service training, and licensure and registration.
About This Series
CapacityPlus places health workers at the center of our efforts. We embrace the WHO’s broad definition of health workers. Our staff conducted quick, informal interviews with health workers in various countries. We invite you to hear their voices and learn what we’re doing to help them save even more lives.
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