Alfredo Felix, HIV Peer Counselor in the Dominican Republic
Alfredo Felix, a peer counselor with the Department of HIV at Jaime Mota Regional Hospital in Barahona, shares what motivates him and tells a story about a client he helped.
Our Involvement

CapacityPlus’s Alex Collins interviewed Alfredo during a three-month field assignment in the Dominican Republic. CapacityPlus provides assistance to the Ministry of Health to improve systems aimed at strengthening the health workforce needed to contribute to an AIDS-free generation. The coverage of services including early detection of HIV and syphilis, family planning, and access to prenatal care for HIV-positive women has risen in many regions.
About This Series
CapacityPlus places health workers at the center of our efforts. We embrace the WHO’s broad definition of health workers. Our staff conducted quick, informal interviews with health workers in various countries. We invite you to hear their voices and learn what we’re doing to help them save even more lives.
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