
Advancing Gender Equality in Health Systems

CapacityPlus developed learning tools to address the challenges of gender inequalities and discrimination in the health workforce and health professional education systems and promote gender-transformative principles in advocacy, policy-making, and program

Gender Discrimination and Health Workforce Development: An Advocacy Tool

Health professional education systems play a pivotal role in developing competent, motivated health workers who are vital to the delivery of high-quality family planning, maternal and child health, HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, and other essential health services. This online tool outlines recommended combinations of gender transformative interventions to counter various forms of gender discrimination in learning environments, and provides advocacy strategies for stakeholders to develop plans to create, implement, and enforce conducive environments, equal opportunity, and nondiscrimination policies. The tool draws from a technical report and technical brief published by CapacityPlus on strengthening the health worker pipeline through gender transformative strategies.
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Promoting Gender Equality in the Health Workforce: An Advocacy Tool

Health workforce leaders may not be aware of the ways in which gender discrimination impedes efforts to develop, efficiently deploy, and fairly compensate their workforce. This can result in maldistribution, absenteeism, and a limited pool of motivated health workers, which can negatively impact the provision of health care. This advocacy tool helps users to understand how common forms of gender inequalities and discrimination can negatively affect the health workforce; assess whether health workers may be experiencing one or more forms of discrimination; and successfully advocate and take action through policy-making and improved management to reduce gender discrimination and build a more motivated and effective workforce to serve the population’s family planning, reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, and other primary health care needs.

Gender Equality and Health Workforce Development Advocacy Tool

This forthcoming online tool focuses on aspects of gender discrimination in health workforce development specifically related to preservice education, such as issues affecting health professional students and faculty. If you would like us to contact you when we publish this tool, please let us know.

“That’s Improvement!”: Uganda Focuses on Health Workers

In this short video, meet three Ugandan health workers who love their jobs. Agnes, Habiba, and Alex find joy in serving their clients, but they face many challenges—and there are simply not enough health workers to meet the demand. To improve health services, Uganda is focusing on the people that provide quality care. These efforts are paying off and service delivery has improved. Other countries can access the tools and approaches that Uganda has successfully used. The related website section includes stories, photos, and links to resources.

Preservice Education Toolkit

This toolkit outlines key programmatic steps, highlights lessons learned, and identifies resources to assist country programs, donors, and governments with preservice education programs. CapacityPlus’s Kate Tulenko participated in the technical advisory group for the development of the toolkit.

Strengthening the Role of Faith-Based Organizations in Human Resources for Health Initiatives

Describes the Capacity Project’s contributions to strengthening Christian Health Associations’ HR systems, and provides recommendations for working with the faith-based sector.

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