
Health Workforce Productivity: An Approach for Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement

Increasing health workers’ productivity will make service delivery more efficient and ensure that high-quality family planning, reproductive health, HIV and AIDS, maternal and child health and other key services are accessible to the population. This free course on the Global Health eLearning Center, by CapacityPlus’s Rachel Deussom and Wanda Jaskiewicz of IntraHealth International, explores some basic concepts of health workforce productivity. It provides useful descriptions of a quantitative, formulaic approach for measuring productivity at the facility level; possible underlying causes of low productivity and methods to measure them; and potential interventions to improve productivity and strengthen health services. It takes approximately two hours to complete the course, after which each learner will receive a certificate.

Sélection d’outils de CapacityPlus en français à l’intention des effectifs sanitaires

CapacityPlus possède un large éventail d’outils disponibles en français. Un nouveau document en donne un aperçu en compilant les outils et les documents de références produits par CapacityPlus et destinés au personnel de santé avec de brèves descriptions et des liens permettant d’accéder aux versions en ligne.

Selected Health Workforce Tools from CapacityPlus

This overview compiles selected tools and resources for the global health workforce from CapacityPlus, and includes brief descriptions and links to online versions. A related overview presents tools and resources that are available in French.

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