Our Experts
Wanda Jaskiewicz, IntraHealth International, Senior Team Leader, Global Leadership and Health Workforce Effectiveness
Wanda Jaskiewicz is a global health specialist with over 15 years of extensive field experience in developing countries. Her area of focus in her current role is to provide technical assistance in improving health worker retention and productivity. Prior to this position Jaskiewicz worked on numerous USAID projects as a technical advisor and in a program management capacity in the area of HIV/AIDS, family planning, reproductive health, and maternal health. She holds an MPH from Tulane University, has extensive field experience in many countries, and is fluent in English and Spanish.
- Human resources for health
- Health workforce retention and productivity
- Performance improvement
- Supportive supervision
- Reproductive health/family planning, HIV/AIDS
Selected Publications
Buchan, James, Ian D. Couper, Viroj Tangcharoensathien, Khampasong Thepannya, Wanda Jaskiewicz, Galina Perfilieva, and Carmen Dolea. 2013. “Early implementation of WHO recommendations for the retention of health workers in remote and rural areas.” Bulletin of the World Health Organization 91, no. 11: 797-896. http://www.who.int/entity/bulletin/volumes/91/11/13-119008.pdf
Keuffel, Eric, Wanda Jaskiewicz, Chanthakhath Paphassarang, and Kate Tulenko. 2013. “Net costs of health worker rural incentive packages: An example from the Lao People’s Democratic Republic.” Medical Care 51, no. 11: 985-991. http://journals.lww.com/lww-medicalcare/Abstract/publishahead/Net_Costs_...
Rockers, Peter C, Wanda Jaskiewicz, Margaret E. Kruk, Outavong Phathammavong, Phouthone Vangkonevilay, Chanthakhath Paphassarang, Inpong Thong Phachanh, Laura Wurts, and Kate Tulenko. 2013. “Differences in preferences for rural job postings between nursing students and practicing nurses: Evidence from a discrete choice experiment in Lao People’s Democratic Republic.” Human Resources for Health 11, no. 22. www.human-resources-health.com/content/pdf/1478-4491-11-22.pdf
Jaskiewicz, Wanda, and Kate Tulenko. 2012. “Increasing community health worker productivity and effectiveness: A review of the influence of the work environment.” Human Resources for Health 10, no. 38. http://www.human-resources-health.com/content/10/1/38
Rockers, Peter C., Wanda Jaskiewicz, Laura Wurts, Margaret E. Kruk, George S. Mgomella, Francis Ntalazi, and Kate Tulenko. 2012. “Preferences for working in rural clinics among trainee health professionals in Uganda: A discrete choice experiment.” BMC Health Services Research 12, no. 212. http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1472-6963-12-212.pdf
Jaskiewicz, Wanda, Maria Ines Tomo, Francisco Langa, Hilde De Graeve, Catherine McKinney, and Lucy Ramirez. 2010. Human resources for health implications of scaling up for universal access to HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and care: Mozambique rapid situational analysis. Global Health Workforce Alliance Technical Work Group. http://www.who.int/workforcealliance/knowledge/publications/Mozambique_R...
Jaskiewicz, Wanda, Kate Tulenko, Peter Rockers, Laura Wurts, and George Mgomella. 2010. “Retaining hospital workers: A rapid methodology to determine incentive packages.” World Hospitals and Health Services 46, no. 3: 8-11. http://www.ihf-fih.org/en/Publications/Journals/World-Hospitals/World-Ho...
BA, Dartmouth College
MPH, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
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