
Creating an Enabling Environment for Human Resources for Health Program Implementation in Three African Countries

Over the past decade, global and national health leaders have increasingly recognized the importance of investing in human resources for health (HRH) in order to scale up service delivery and meet the Millennium Development Goals. This prioritization has resulted in increased attention to and funding for HRH. Despite these advances, insufficient progress has been made in implementing HRH interventions to improve access to qualified health workers. Therefore, this qualitative study was conducted to determine the factors that define the enabling environment for successful implementation of HRH interventions in three countries: Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda.

Sélection d’outils de CapacityPlus en français à l’intention des effectifs sanitaires

CapacityPlus possède un large éventail d’outils disponibles en français. Un nouveau document en donne un aperçu en compilant les outils et les documents de références produits par CapacityPlus et destinés au personnel de santé avec de brèves descriptions et des liens permettant d’accéder aux versions en ligne.

Selected Health Workforce Tools from CapacityPlus

This overview compiles selected tools and resources for the global health workforce from CapacityPlus, and includes brief descriptions and links to online versions. A related overview presents tools and resources that are available in French.

HRH Global Resource Center

HRH Global Resource CenterThe HRH Global Resource Center is CapacityPlus’s digital library of human resources for health (HRH) information. The world‘s largest online digital library dedicated to HRH issues in developing countries, it contains approximately 5,000 resources and offers free librarian support. Users can browse by subject, resource type, and geographic area as well as access HRH overviews and special collections. The HRH Global Resource Center’s eLearning platform offers free courses in English, French, and Spanish with certificates of completion.

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