
Scholarship Ceremony at the Gao Nursing School in Mali

To help make it possible for nursing and midwifery students to continue (or begin) their training, CapacityPlus provided 204 financial scholarships to the students most in need. On December 18, 2013, the school hosted a ceremony to award scholarships to recipients—who comprise 37% of the student body—and to receive new equipment and supplies. This seven-minute video was produced by the Office of Radio and Television of Mali (ORTM); English subtitles added by IntraHealth International. To learn more, read the related article.

A Mixed Method Approach to Identifying Bottlenecks in the Production of Health Workers

Provision of quality health services starts with health workers and the training they receive. Given resource limitations, it is essential to ensure that investments in preservice education are the most efficient and effective in producing quality health workers. Presented at the Second Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Beijing on November 2, 2012, this poster describes results from a needs assessment at six institutions in Mali using a mixed method approach to identify the key bottlenecks to providing quality preservice education in family planning and reproductive health for nurses and midwives.

West Africa’s Regional Approach to Strengthening Health Workforce Information

The West African Health Organization is implementing a regional approach to strengthening health workforce information systems, leveraging resources from CapacityPlus, other USAID-funded projects, donors, and global organizations. This technical brief provides an overview of this approach, highlights lessons learned, and provides recommendations for other regions and countries to adopt the approach.

Access the interactive version or the PDF. Also read the related news. If you have any questions, please contact us.

CapacityPlus au Mali

CapacityPlus collabore avec le ministère de la santé, les instituts de formation locaux ainsi que d’autres partenaires afin de remédier à la pénurie de prestataires de santé qualifiés au Mali et à leur mauvaise répartition.

CapacityPlus in Mali

Working with the Ministry of Health, local training institutions, and other partners, CapacityPlus is addressing Mali’s shortage and unequal distribution of qualified health workers. Also available in French.

Applying the Learning for Performance Approach

Discusses the Capacity Project’s participation in the development of LFP-informed learning interventions.

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