
The Dean’s Dashboard: Strengthening School Management through Information and Informed Decision-Making

Health workforce educational institutions are struggling to meet the increasing demand for health workers capable of providing quality health services to expanding populations. More effective and efficient management of education and training institutions can play a major role in a country’s ability to scale up its production of competent and qualified health workers. Presented at the GETHealth Summit in Dublin, Ireland (November 13–14, 2014), this poster describes findings from a pilot of the Dean’s Dashboard at three schools in Africa. When aligned with a school’s strategic planning efforts, the Dean’s Dashboard offers the potential for regular reports on progress toward strategic goals as well as management information in a form that is easily accessible to institutional leaders. As an open source application, it is an affordable tool for information management and presentation.

The Health Workforce Information Ecosystem: Strengthening Connections between Health Workforce Information Domains and e/mHealth Technologies

Health workforce information systems have been proliferating in countries to address different health workforce needs, including management systems in the public and private sector, regulatory information systems including professional council registration and licensure, and training information systems. However, these different systems are not reaching their full potential due to failure to work as an interoperable whole. Presented at the GETHealth Summit in Dublin, Ireland (November 13–14, 2014), this poster describes work to develop a new data exchange standard, Care Services Discovery. This technology is open and collaborative, available for support by a wide variety of technologies, including iHRIS, DHIS 2, and UNICEF’s RapidPro platform. Open source technologies and open standards approaches make a formidable combination to address information needs.

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