
Investing in Health Workforce Education and Training for Expanded Access to Essential Health Services for Underserved Populations

CapacityPlus developed and applied methodologies and instruments to estimate the cost to an educational institution and its affiliated clinical practice facilities of educating a single health worker; identify targeted investments likely to increase production while maintaining the quality of graduates; and strengthen the capacity of school leaders to better manage human, financial, material, and intellectual resources. Presented at the Prince Mahidol Award Conference in Bangkok (January 26–31, 2015), this poster highlights methods and findings from costing studies performed at one medical school in South Africa and two nursing and midwifery schools in Ethiopia, as well as broader capacity assessments of 19 Nigerian health professional schools.

Building the “Educational Home”: Staying Connected to Alumni with MEPI Graduate Tracking in Ethiopia

This case study is part of the interactive ePlatform for the World Health Organization’s guidelines on transforming and scaling up health professionals’ education and training. CapacityPlus is collaborating with the Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI) Coordinating Center, MEPI Physician Tracking Technical Working Group, and MEPI-supported medical schools in 11 African countries to develop resources and good practices for graduate tracking and to foster exchange through a regional graduate tracking network. The MEPI Connect graduate tracking software is helping African medical schools to remain connected with their graduates. Tracking allows institutions to assess the effectiveness of strategies to retain graduates at posts in underserved areas.

Cost of Preservice Education for Health Workers: Balancing Quantity and Quality

CapacityPlus, Ethiopia’s federal ministries of health and education, and the Nursing Education Partnership Initiative conducted a retrospective cost assessment of the undergraduate nursing and midwifery programs at University of Gondar College of Medicine and Health Sciences and Arbaminch College of Health Sciences. Presented at the Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Cape Town, South Africa, on October 3, 2014, this poster summarizes the study, which used primary source data to estimate the cost of producing nursing and midwifery graduates, identified constraints in infrastructure and materials affecting the quality of education, and showed the financial impact on the cost per graduate of overcoming some of those constraints.

Situational Analysis of the Twinning Center Para-Social Worker Training Program in Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Nigeria

CapacityPlus conducted a situational analysis of a para-social worker training program in three country contexts. Para-social workers are volunteers who have received training in foundational skills in basic social service delivery to help address the human resources crisis in delivering social services to vulnerable populations, including children. This analysis validated that the twinning model is adaptable and should be employed to build a cadre of para-social workers at the local level. The analysis also provides the needed data for promoting and funding twinning practices and creating para-social worker cadres as an emergency human resources response to serving children made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS.

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