Special Event Highlights Evidence on Health Workforce Recruitment, Retention, and Productivity

With the USAID ASSIST Project and the World Bank, CapacityPlus cohosted a knowledge-sharing and dissemination event—Supporting Country-Led Efforts to Recruit and Retain Health Workers and Improve Their Productivity—at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, on February 18. The three-hour program focused on the latest evidence from country applications of innovations to strengthen health workforce recruitment, retention, and productivity.

Through a combination of panel presentations, interactive roundtable groups, and moderated question-and-answer sessions, participants learned about and discussed various approaches and tools that can be used to develop policies to strengthen recruitment, retention, and productivity and improve access to high-quality family planning, reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, and other health services.

Watch videos and view presentations from the event

Welcome and opening remarks


Kate Tulenko of IntraHealth International, director of CapacityPlus; Lois Schaefer, senior technical advisor for human resources for health at USAID; Akiko Maeda, lead health specialist at the World Bank; and M. Rashad Massoud of University Research Co. LLC, director of USAID ASSIST, welcome participants and provide context on the issues of health worker recruitment, retention, and productivity.

Analyzing Markets for Health Workers: Insights from Labor and Health Economics

Related presentation by Edson Araújo, economist at the World Bank

Factors Influencing Health Workers’ Employment Decisions and Interventions to Address Geographic Imbalances in Health Workforce Distribution

Related presentation by Wanda Jaskiewicz of IntraHealth International, senior team leader for global leadership and workforce effectiveness for CapacityPlus

Improving Efficiency, Productivity, and Performance with the Workforce You Have, Not the One You Wish You Had

Related presentation by Edward Broughton of University Research Co. LLC, director of research and evaluation for USAID ASSIST

Moderated question-and-answer session

Roundtable discussions

The event also featured two rounds of concurrent interactive roundtable discussions to provide participants with a deeper understanding of and hands-on orientation to innovative tools and approaches in the areas of recruitment, retention, and productivity.

Roundtable discussion

Round 1

Round 2

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Photo by Carol Bales (roundtable participants)