Our Experts
Kate Tulenko, IntraHealth International, Director
Kate Tulenko has worked at the highest levels of health workforce, health financing, and health policy development with institutions around the world. She has been an advisor to national governments on health policy and reform, and served on expert panels for the World Bank, World Health Organization, AFRO, American Public Health Association, Global Health Workforce Alliance, American Hospital Association, and more. Tulenko has published on a wide array of topics. Her most recent book is Insourced: How Importing Jobs Impacts the Healthcare Crisis Here and Abroad. She also holds academic appointments at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and the George Mason College of Health and Human Services. Tulenko holds an MD and MPH from Johns Hopkins University, and an MPhil from the University of Cambridge, Emmanuel College.
- Human resources for health; workforce development
- Health systems design; cross-sectoral health
- Health policy
- Foreign health markets
- Maternal and child health; HIV/AIDS
- Water and sanitation
- Public-private partnerships in health
- Technology for public health
- Global aging; public health responses to aging populations
- Hospital management
Selected Publications
Jaskiewicz, Wanda, Kate Tulenko, Peter Rockers, Laura Wurts, and George Mgomella. 2010. “Retaining hospital workers: A rapid methodology to determine incentive packages.” World Hospitals and Health Services 46, no. 3: 8-11. http://www.ihf-fih.org/en/Publications/Journals/World-Hospitals/World-Ho...
Rockers, Peter C., Wanda Jaskiewicz, Laura Wurts, Margaret E. Kruk, George S. Mgomella, Francis Ntalazi, and Kate Tulenko. 2012. “Preferences for working in rural clinics among trainee health professionals in Uganda: A discrete choice experiment.” BMC Health Services Research 12, no. 212. http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1472-6963-12-212.pdf
Tulenko, Kate. “America’s health worker mismatch,” New York Times, September 14, 2012, Op-Ed. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/14/opinion/americas-health-worker-mismatc...
Tulenko, Kate. 2012. Insourced: How importing jobs impacts the healthcare crisis here and abroad. Dartmouth Press.
Tulenko, Kate, and Andre-Jacques Neusy. 2011. Health worker education. In HRH in Africa: A new look at the crisis. Washington, DC: World Bank.
Tulenko, Kate. 2007. Analysis of research on the effects of improved water, sanitation, and hygiene on the health of people living with HIV/AIDS and recommended next steps. Washington, DC: World Bank.
BA, Harvard University
MPhil, University of Cambridge, Emmanuel College
MPH, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
MD, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Spanish, Indonesian/Malay, Portuguese
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