Creating Legislation for Health Careers in the Dominican Republic
In the Dominican Republic, CapacityPlus is helping strengthen the human resources management systems needed for the health workforce to perform effectively. Part of this work includes developing new legislation for health worker career paths. On September 7, with assistance from CapacityPlus and the Ministry of Public Administration, the Ministry of Public Health conducted a forum to review the draft legislation. Eighty-seven participants from national health associations, Congress, major political parties, and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) took part in the forum.The Ministry of Public Health seeks a regulatory framework that addresses the health sector’s human resources, in order to help ensure good governance necessary for workers and employers to fulfill their mission regarding the health of the population. The proposed law combines the needs and requirements of health workers with the population’s right to health and the responsibility of health institutions to realize this right. It details the relations between the state and health workers, and classifies the salary and wage structure and job functions.
Dr. Nelson Rodriguez Monegro, vice-minister of public health, noted that “the management of human resources is the most important process in the management of services, and hence, public health. For this we need skilled workers, committed to their institution, well-paid, in an environment of security and job stability that allows them to plan a dignified retirement.”
The draft of the law is currently awaiting approval from the Senate.
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Photo by Sonia Brito-Anderson. (Participants at forum)