Collaborating to Expand Health Workforce Resources from the South Pacific Region

CapacityPlus’s HRH Global Resource Center brings human resources for health (HRH) information to over 45,000 users each month. A new partnership will expand the volume of HRH resources that will be made accessible to this large audience.
HRH Global Resource CenterThe HRH Global Resource Center’s Rebecca Rhodes recently met with Denise Quay, knowledge manager for the AusAID-funded HRH Knowledge Hub, to discuss how the two portals can support each other, identify areas for potential collaboration, and avoid duplication of efforts. The HRH Knowledge Hub is based at the University of New South Wales in Sydney. The site is under development; with technical assistance from the HRH Global Resource Center, the Hub is finalizing its content development strategy and expects to launch the site before the end of the year.

As a result of the recent consultation, the Hub and the HRH Global Resource Center will be working together to disseminate original research on the South Pacific region’s HRH challenges through the work of the Hub team’s research. The HRH Global Resource Center will provide ongoing support though the publication of interviews, news articles, and spotlight publications, the inclusion of support resources in the collection, and technical assistance as needed to strengthen the Hub’s efforts to fill the gap in HRH knowledge in the South Pacific region.