
iHRIS Train: An Open Source Tool for Managing Health Worker Training

An overview of iHRIS Train, open source software for managing data on the education of health professionals. iHRIS Train is part of the iHRIS software for health workforce management.

iHRIS Qualify: A Tool for Tracking Health Professionals and Their Qualifications

An overview of iHRIS Qualify, the health professional training, licensing, and certification component of the iHRIS Suite.

Bridges to Health Worker Employment

Twelve suggestions that health professional schools, ministries of health, employer councils, and others can implement to shorten the time between graduation and employment.

iHRIS Qualify: Uma Ferramenta para Efectuar o Registo dos Profissionais de Saúde e das Suas Qualificações

Portuguese translation of an overview of iHRIS Qualify, the health professional training, licensing, and certification component of the iHRIS Suite.

Building Stronger Human Resources for Health through Licensure, Certification and Accreditation

Highlights health care regulation, quality assurance in human resources for health, licensure and registration, accreditation and credentialing mechanisms.

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