Sharing Information and Tools for Health Systems Strengthening
CapacityPlus contributed to knowledge-sharing at the Fall meeting of the Bureau of Global Health Cooperating Agencies Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Working Group, held on November 3 in Washington, DC. Following a plenary discussion on health systems strengthening in the Global Health Initiative, CapacityPlus’s Sara Pacqué-Margolis gave an introduction to the Tools Fair for Health Systems-Related Measurement and Assessment.Crystal Ng demonstrated the Human Resources for Health (HRH) Indicator Compendium, a tool for HRH systems strengthening practitioners interested in monitoring HRH projects and programs. To develop the tool, the authors reviewed published indicators on HRH and selected high-quality indicators, which they compiled into a single resource in an interactive format. Each indicator can be quantified, realistically achieved with appropriate resources, and measured over a designated period of time. Users can select the most relevant indicators for their purposes.
Carie Muntifering presented the iHRIS Suite of free tools for managing and supporting health workers. The iHRIS software is open source, which means that local developers can modify the code to suit their needs.
iHRIS Qualify tracks health worker training, certification, and licensure
- iHRIS Manage maintains personnel deployment, performance, and attrition information
- iHRIS Plan models long-term health workforce needs
- iHRIS Retain costs retention strategies to be implemented at the district, regional, or national level.
The meeting concluded with a panel discussion on M&E for the Global Health Initiative and an update on implementation of USAID evaluation policy.
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