Supply Chain Workforce
Achieving Excellence in the Supply Chain Workforce:
The People that Deliver Global Partnership
Every year development partners and national governments spend about $10 billion procuring health products for low-income countries. Yet all too often these supplies do not reach the people who need them, resulting in over 1.7 billion people—nearly one-third of the world’s population—without access to essential medicines.
The World Health Report 2006 highlighted the urgent need for a competent, recognized, and empowered health supply chain workforce to ensure that supplies are forecasted, procured, transported, stored, distributed, and dispensed to the people who need them.
To address this need, the People that Deliver initiative was launched in June 2011 during a global consensus meeting hosted by the World Health Organization. Seventy-nine institutions pledged their support to achieve the shared goal of People that Deliver: sustainable workforce excellence in supply chain management. The initiative has developed a number of resources that are relevant to all levels of the health system and can be adapted to specific country contexts.
CapacityPlus and lead partner IntraHealth International are members of People that Deliver. CapacityPlus’s Rebecca Bailey is a board member and IntraHealth’s Barbara Stillwel is the co-chair. To highlight the initiative’s efforts, CapacityPlus hosted a satellite event, Achieving Excellence in the Supply Chain Workforce: The People that Deliver Global Partnership, at the XIX International AIDS Conference.
Experts in health workforce and supply chain management discussed strengthening and professionalizing the supply chain workforce. Pape Gaye, president and CEO of IntraHealth International moderated the event. Panelists included Rebecca Bailey; Benoît Silve of Institut Bioforce; Jennie Lates of the Ministry of Health & Social Services, Namibia; Gilbert Habimana of Central Medical Store, Namibia; Erin Hasselberg of Human Resource Capacity Development, Supply Chain Management System, USAID Partnership for Supply Chain Management; and Dr. Arsène Ouedraogo of the Ministry of Health, Burkina Faso. A rich discussion session followed panelists’ presentations.
Help continue the conversation. Listen to the audio recordings or watch the videos below, then send us your feedback and forward to others. To get involved with the People that Deliver initiative, send a message to info@peoplethatdeliver.org.
Pape Gaye, President and CEO, IntraHealth International, USA
Rebecca Bailey, Team Lead, Health Workforce Development, CapacityPlus
Human Resources for Health and Health Supply Chains - Current State of Affairs
Benoît Silve, Director, Institut Bioforce, and Chair of the People that Deliver Board
The People that Deliver Initiative
Jennie Lates, Deputy Director of Pharmaceutical Services, Ministry of Health & Social Services, Namibia and Gilbert Habimana, Chief Pharmacist: Central Medical Store, Namibia
Achieving Excellence in the Supply Chain Workforce
Erin Hasselberg, Principal Advisor, Human Resource Capacity Development, Supply Chain Management System, USAID Partnership for Supply Chain Management
Logistics Management Units: Sustainable Support for the Supply Chain Workforce
Dr . Arsène Ouedraogo, Pharmaceutical Supplies Director, Division of Pharmacy, Medicine and Laboratories (DGPML), Ministry of Health, Burkina Faso
Human Resources Reinforcement in Health Logistics: A Partnership Between Burkina Faso's Ministry of Health and the Bioforce for a Performing Health Products Supply Chain
Discussion Session