In Rwanda, CapacityPlus developed a Provider Registry based on the iHRIS software. The Provider Registry is a centralized database containing a minimal data set of information on health workers as part of the larger Rwanda Health Information Exchange (RHIE). RHIE, an implementation of the OpenHIE, provides health workers with access to patients’ health records across facilities and care providers.
OpenHIE links together several free and open source health information systems to share data across systems, including iHRIS, DHIS 2 (a district health information system that tracks service delivery and disease statistics), OpenMRS (a medical records system that stores and maintains patient data on clinical encounters), and RapidSMS (a mobile clinical support system for community health workers).
After piloting it in one Rwandan district, CapacityPlus updated the Provider Registry according to new international data-sharing standards to support expansion of RHIE in Rwanda. Adherences to standards facilitates adoption of the Provider Registry in other countries; it is currently being implemented in Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and Liberia.
Photo by Charles Harris, courtesy of IntraHealth International