Our Experts
Randi Burlew, IntraHealth International, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Research Advisor
Randi has been working in the field of monitoring and evaluation for more than a decade. Her experience includes the evaluations of a wide range of social service programs such as the evaluation of a sexual education curriculum in Lagos, Nigeria. Randi earned her PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Michigan in 2002 and most recently saw patients at the Durham VA Medical Center. She also served as a White House Fellow in 2004/2005, during which time she worked as a special assistant to the secretary of veterans affairs. In addition, she completed the Emerging Leaders in Public Health program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2008/2009.
• Monitoring and evaluation
• Research methods
• Mental health
• Adolescent reproductive health
Selected Publications
Burlew, Ann Kathleen, Randi Burlew, Bridgette J. Peteet, Candace Johnson, and S. Smith. 2010. What evidence-based interventions are available to reduce drug use among African American adolescents? Black in America: A scholarly response to the CNN documentary. The Center for African American Research and Policy.
Burlew, Randi, and Susan Philliber. 2009. What helps in providing contraceptive services for teens? Washington, DC: The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. http://www.thenationalcampaign.org/resources/pdf/pubs/WhatHelps.pdf
Burlew, Ann Kathleen, Tonya Hucks, Randi Burlew, and Candace Johnson. 2003. Prevention of abuse among ethnic minority youth. In Handbook of Racial and Ethnic Minority Psychology, eds. Guillermo Bernal, Joseph E. Tribble, Ann Kathleen Burlew, and Frederick T.L. Leong. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.
Burlew, Kahleen, DeKimberlen Neeley, Candace Johnson, T. Camille Hucks, Bruce Purnell, Jacqueline Butler, Marilyn Lovett, and Randi Burlew. 2000. Drug attitudes, racial identity and alcohol use among African American adolescents. Journal of Black Psychology, 26(4):402-420.
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Photo by Frances Thornhill