Our Experts
Rachel Deussom, IntraHealth International, Health Workforce Officer
Rachel Deussom is a global health specialist with over eight years of experience and education, focusing on health systems strengthening, monitoring and evaluation, and community-based interventions in sub-Saharan Africa. For CapacityPlus, she provides technical support for workforce effectiveness to improve retention and productivity. Prior to joining IntraHealth, Deussom worked at the World Bank to develop and evaluate HIV/AIDS and reproductive health projects. She served as a Peace Corps volunteer in northern Cameroon and is the cofounder and chair of the grassroots nonprofit, Education Fights AIDS (EFA) International.
- mHealth
- Maternal and child health; sexual and reproductive health; HIV and AIDS
- Health communications
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Health information systems for evidence-based decision-making
- Political economy
Selected Publications
Deussom, Rachel. 2011. Using mHealth for safer births. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: D-tree International. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZl7z_oItro
Hoy, Rachel, and Gabriel Demombynes. 2011. Using mobile phones for improved data collection: Lessons from the Southern Sudan Experimental Phone Survey (SSEPS). Washington, DC: The World Bank. http://digitalmedia.worldbank.org/SSP/africa/mobile-phone-data-collection/
Hoy, Rachel, and the Millennium Cities Initiative. 2010. Health needs assessment for the city of Bamako, Mali. MCI Social Sector Working Paper Series No. 17. New York: The Earth Institute at Colombia University, Millennium Cities Initiative.
BA, Georgetown University
MSc, Harvard School of Public Health
French, Fulfulde, Kiswahili, Spanish
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