New Video Series Highlights CapacityPlus’s Focus on Health Workers
CapacityPlus announces the launch of a new video series, “I’m a Health Worker,” which highlights how the project places health workers at the center of its efforts to address the global health workforce shortage.The new series consists of short, informal videos of health workers taken by CapacityPlus staff during trips to various countries. Interviewees answer a few questions about why they became a health worker, what some of their challenges are, and what would help them save or improve even more lives.
CapacityPlus embraces the World Health Organization’s definition of health workers as “all people engaged in action whose primary intent is to enhance health.” Likewise, the videos feature a broad range of health workers, from nurses and midwives to ministry of health officials.
By showcasing the series on its website and disseminating information about individual videos through the project’s social media outlets, CapacityPlus offers new entry points for people to learn about the project’s work.
Each video is under a minute long and supplemented by links to related tools and resources developed by CapacityPlus, as well as additional resources in the HRH Global Resource Center.
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