Our Experts
Lisa Howard-Grabman, Training Resources Group, Inc., Global Partnering Team Lead
Lisa Howard-Grabman is an organizational development and systems strengthening specialist with over 25 years of experience assisting international organizations, communities and individuals in achieving desired results through capacity development and participatory processes in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. She has significant experience in leadership and project management, organization development, performance improvement, training, and technical support for international health programs. She has worked on health systems strengthening initiatives and with specific content areas such as maternal, child, newborn and reproductive health. While at TRG, she worked with USAID Bureau for Global Health, OGAC/PEPFAR, Health Systems 20/20, Capacity Project, STOP AI, and international NGOs. Prior to joining TRG, she served as associate director for community and institutional capacity on the Health Communication Partnership Project; senior community mobilization advisor and Bolivia codirector for Save the Children; international division director of Advocates for Youth; MotherCare advisor for John Snow, Inc., and as an independent consultant.
- Organizational development
- Designing and facilitating participatory group processes
- Leadership training, team-building, and performance management
- Community mobilization, participation, and engagement
- Training and adult education
- Coaching
Selected Publications
Howard-Grabman, Lisa. 2000. “Bridging the gap between communities and service providers: Developing accountability through community mobilization approaches.” IDS Bulletin 31, no. 1: 88-96.
Rosato, Mikey, Glenn Laverack, Lisa Howard-Grabman, Prasanta Tripathy, Nirmala Nair, Charles Mwansambo, Kishwar Azard, et al. 2008. “Community participation: Lessons for maternal, newborn, and child health.” The Lancet 372, no. 9642: 962-971.
Howard-Grabman, Lisa, and Gail Snetro. 2003. How to mobilize communities for health and social change. Baltimore, MD: Health Communication Partnership. http://www.jhuccp.org/hcp/pubs/tools/HowtoMobilize/index.html
Howard-Grabman, Lisa, Cynthia P. Willis, Elizabeth Arteaga, Carla Queierolo, and Sejas Perez. 2002. A 'dialogue of knowledge' approach to better reproductive, sexual and child health in rural Andean communities. In Realizing rights: Transforming approaches to sexual and reproductive wellbeing, eds. Andrea Cornwall and Alice Welbourn. London, UK and New York, NY: Zed Books, Ltd.
Pasha, Omrana, Robert L. Goldenberg, Elizabeth M. McClure, Sarah Saleem, Shivaprasad S. Goudar, Fernando Althabe, Archana Patel, et al. 2010. “Communities, birth attendants and health facilities: A continuum of emergency maternal and newborn care (The Global Network’s EmONC trial).” BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 10: 82. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2393/10/82/
MA International Administration, Ohio University
BA Psychology, Oberlin College
CEC Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (ICF accredited)
Conversational French
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