Our Experts
Kate Gilroy, IntraHealth International, Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor
Kate Gilroy is a PhD-level epidemiologist with over 10 years of experience in community-based programming, operational research, and program evaluation. Before joining IntraHealth, Kate was an assistant scientist at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. She has coordinated operations research and large-scale evaluations of child health and survival programming in Africa. Kate has contributed to developing, refining, and evaluating approaches to expand implementation and improve measurement of community-based treatment for childhood illness, both through scholarly study and field work within the context of government and nongovernmental programs.
- Child health and survival
- Community health workers
- Treatment of child illnesses
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Operational research
- Measurement and indicators
- West Africa
Selected Publications
Bryce, J., K. Gilroy, G. Jones, E. Hazel, R. E. Black, and C. G. Victora. 2010. “The accelerated child survival and development project in West Africa: A retrospective evaluation.” The Lancet 375, no. 9714: 572-582.
Gilroy, Kate E., Jennifer A. Callaghan-Koru, Cristina V. Cardemil, Humphreys Nsona, Agbessi Amouzou, Angella Mtimuni, Bernadette Daelemans, Leslie Mgalula, Jennifer Bryce, and the CCM-Malawi Qualify of Care Working Group. 2012. “Quality of sick child care delivered by Health Surveillance Assistants in Malawi.” Health Policy and Planning: 1-13. http://heapol.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2012/10/13/heapol.czs095.full.pdf+html
Marsh, David R., Kate E. Gilroy, Renee Van de Weerdt, Emmanuel Wansi, and Shamim Qazi. 2008. “Community case management of pneumonia: At a tipping point?” Bulletin of the World Health Organization 86, no. 5: 381-389. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2647446/pdf/07-048462.pdf
Winch, Peter J., Kate E. Gilroy, Cathy Wolfheim, Eric S. Starbuck, Mark W. Young, Lynette D. Walker, and Robert E. Black. 2005. “Intervention models for the management of children with signs of pneumonia or malaria by community health workers.” Health Policy and Planning 20:199-212. http://heapol.oxfordjournals.org/content/20/4/199.full.pdf+html
Winch, Peter J. , Kate E. Gilroy, Seydou Doumbia, Amy E. Patterson, Zana Daou, Adama Diawara, Eric Swedberg, Robert E. Black, Olivier Fontaine, and Mali Zinc Pilot Intervention Study Group. 2008. “Operational issues and trends associated with the pilot introduction of zinc for childhood diarrhoea in Bougouni District, Mali.” Journal of Health Population and Nutrition 26, no. 2:151-63. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2740667/
BA, Drew University
PhD, ScM, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
French, Spanish
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