Our Experts
Dr. Alfredo Luis Fort, IntraHealth International, Director of Monitoring and Evaluation
Dr. Alfredo Fort has more than 30 years of experience in primary and reproductive health care as well as program monitoring and evaluation and applied research. He was a scientist in charge of the Americas at the Department of Reproductive Health and Research at the World Health Organization in Geneva. He has also worked as senior health adviser for the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) project and previously served as monitoring and evaluation director for the PRIME and PRIME II global projects at IntraHealth International in North Carolina. Alfredo is originally from Peru and initially worked in the public and private sectors in periurban and rural areas of the country. He enjoys learning about people and cultures, teaching, and building capacity wherever needed.
- Family planning and reproductive health (especially maternal-neonatal)
- Operations and implementation research
- Household and facility survey planning, conducting, analysis, reporting, and dissemination
- Quantitative and qualitative research methodology
- Primary health care
Selected Publications
Fort, P., and A. Fort. 2012. “El Derecho a la Niñez: El niño pequeño lo merece. Una
mirada al desarrollo temprano del niño en Perú desde una perspectiva
international [The Right to Childhood: The small child deserves it. A view of early childhood development in Peru from an international perspective.] Cuadernos de Pediatría Social no. 18, Sociedad Española de Pediatría Social.
Fort, A. L. 2012. “Coverage of post-partum and post-natal care in Egypt in 2005-2008
and Bangladesh in 2004-2007: Levels, trends and unmet need.” Reproductive
Health Matters 20, no. 39: 81-92.
Gonzales, Gustavo F., Vilma Tapia, Alfredo L. Fort. 2012. “Maternal and perinatal outcomes in second hemoglobin measurement in nonanemic women at first booking: Effect of altitude of residence.” ISRN Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Gonzales, Gustavo F., Vilma Tapia, Manuel Gasco, Carlos E. Carrillo, Alfredo L. Fort. 2012. “Association of hemoglobin values at booking with adverse maternal outcomes among Peruvian populations living at different altitudes.” International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 117, no. 2: 134-139.
Wang, Wenjuan, Soumya Alva, Shanxiao Wang, and Alfredo Fort. 2011. Levels and trends in the use of maternal health services in developing countries. DHS Comparative
Reports no. 26. Calverton, MD: Macro International.
MD, Cayetano Heredia University, Lima, Peru
MSc, Community Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), UK
PhD, Demography and Family Planning, LSHTM
Fluent in Spanish and Portuguese, working knowledge of French
Project Leadership Team
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