Appendix B: Excerpts from iHRIS Manage Data Dictionary


Field name


Data type


ID number

The unique identifier—usually a number—that, when combined with an identification type, is used to identify a person (organizational or national standard).

Text entry

ID type

An official document (such as Social Security number, national health insurance, or passport) used to identify a person.

Selection (from preset list of ID types)


A person's name

Text entry


Date of birth

A person's birthday



Indicates whether a person is male or female



The country where a person is a legal citizen

Selection (from country)



A broad category or subset of health workers characterized by the specific training, degree, or other qualifications required to practice or be licensed in that field (e.g., nurse) (Ministry of Health standard)

Selection (from preset list of cadres)

ISCO code

A unique code that identifies a job classification using a standard coding system established by the ILO’s International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) for classifying professions

Selection (from list of ISCO codes)


A general set of qualifications, duties, and responsibilities that matches a particular job description and has a unique job code; there may be multiple instances of the same job within an organization (Ministry of Public Service standard)

Selection (from preset list of jobs)

Health facility

A specific division within an organization that is defined by having its own budget and often has a unique facility code; often a facility is responsible for providing health care services (Ministry of Health standard)

Selection (from preset list of facilities)

Health facility type

A type or level of health facility (e.g., hospital, health center III, HC-II, HC-I, health post)

Selection (from a preset list of facility types)