Our Experts
Malik Jaffer, IntraHealth International, Deputy Director, Human Resources for Health and Health Systems Strengthening
Malik Jaffer has over 20 years of civil society, government, and private sector experience in management, strategic planning, systems strengthening, human resources, and building alliances with exposure in about 50 countries. From January 2006 to March 2013, Malik served as the senior technical advisor for USAID/Southern Africa. In this capacity, Malik provided technical leadership within the US Government team on issues related to human capacity development and systems strengthening. Prior to working in South Africa, Malik held the positions of senior program advisor for Africa/Asia and regional manager for Africa at the American Red Cross. He has also worked as the assistant regional director for Asia/Middle East with Project HOPE and as country manager for the Aga Khan Foundation in Tanzania. Prior to working in international development, Malik worked as an assistant bank manager, served in the US Army Reserve as an orthopedic technician, and was engaged in the family printing business.
- Human resources for health
- Health systems strengthening
- Building strategic partnerships
- Leadership, management, and governance
- Public-private partnerships in health
- Organizational development
- Palliative care
- Happiness management and accounting
Selected Publication
Gee, B., M. Jaffer, and M. Matanda. 2011. Healing with happiness. Happiness University Press.
BS, San Diego State University
MPH, Boston University
Project Leadership Team
Additional Staff Profiles