Global Advisory Board

Global Advisory Board
As part of CapacityPlus’s innovative workforce development strategy, the project created a Global Advisory Board on Strengthening Medical, Nursing, and Public Health Schools in Developing Countries. The board helped address management issues in health professional schools, and assisted CapacityPlus in the development of an analytical framework to assess major managerial challenges in health professional schools in developing countries.
Board members
- Dr. Ok Pannenborg, Chair, Global Advisory Board; former Chief Health Advisor, World Bank
- David Benton, International Council of Nurses
- Michael J. Bzdak, Director of Corporate Contributions, Johnson and Johnson
- Dr. Jie Chen, Professor, Shanghai Medical School
- Dr. Lincoln Chen, President, China Medical Board
- Dr. Somsak Chunharas, Secretary General, Thailand Public Health Foundation
- Dr. Manuel Dayrit, Dean, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health (ASMPH), Philippines
- Professor Tim Evans, Dean, BRAC School of Public Health, Bangladesh; HNP Director, World Bank
- Diana Frymus, Health Systems Strengthening Advisor, OHA, USAID
- Dr. Demisse Habte, President, Ethiopia National Academy of Sciences
- Dr. Otmar Kloiber, Secretary General, World Medical Association
- Sigrun Møgedal, Former State Secretary, Government of Norway and Senior Advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway
- Professor Tewfiq Nawar, Conférence Internationale des Doyens et Facultés de Médecine d'Expression Française (CIDMEF)
- Dr. A-J Neusy, Professor, Executive Director, Training for Health Equity Network (THEnet)
- Estelle Quain, Team Leader, Health Systems Strengthening, OHA, USAID
- Dr. Jamil Salmi, Tertiary Education Coordinator, World Bank
- Professor Nelson Sewankambo, former Dean, Makerere University School of Medicine, Uganda
- Lois Schaefer, Senior Technical Advisor for Human Capacity Development and Training, OPRH, USAID
- Dr. Keizo Takemi, Former Member of Parliament, Japan
- Dr. Kate Tulenko, Director, CapacityPlus
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