Dean's Dashboard
Dean’s Dashboard
About the Dean’s Dashboard
The Dean’s Dashboard is a free, computerized, open source tool that helps the leaders of educational institutions manage their schools more efficiently. Schools that produce health workers are complex institutions. Their leaders must manage a number of disparate parts, including tracking of student enrollment, performance, and attrition; staffing of theoretical and practical courses; generating income; procuring educational equipment and materials; and ensuring the availability of learning facilities, such as classrooms and clinical laboratories, and infrastructure, such as water, electricity and Internet. The Dean’s Dashboard turns data into information, empowering school leaders to translate complicated data and statistical analysis into simple yet meaningful visual representations, such as charts, graphs, pivot tables, and maps. The dashboard allows school leaders to systematically define strategic, indicator-based goals for their educational programs and routinely monitor progress toward achieving them. Charts and graphs created and monitored on the dashboard can be easily saved, shared, and integrated into presentations, brochures, websites, and other key management materials. A school’s management team can download and customize the standard dashboard linked to this page, or build their own customized dashboard using the most recent version of the powerful DHIS2 software. The step-by-step user’s manual and DHIS2 expert community provide guidance and support to install, customize, and maximize the use of the dashboard for years of data-driven decision making.
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