CapacityPlus Joins Global Leaders at Prince Mahidol Award Conference to Steer Health Professional Education toward Improved Health Equity
CapacityPlus leaders will join global health policy experts from around the world at the Prince Mahidol Award Conference, in Pattaya, Thailand, on January 27–31. The US Agency for International Development (USAID) is a cohost of the conference, and Dr. Ariel Pablos-Méndez, USAID’s assistant administrator for global health, served as cochair of the organizing committee. Other cohosts include Japan International Cooperation Agency, World Health Organization, Prince Mahidol Award Conference, Rockefeller Foundation, China Medical Board, and the World Bank. The theme for 2014 is Transformative Learning for Health Equity.CapacityPlus delegates include Kate Tulenko, director; Rebecca Bailey, health workforce development team lead; and Cheick Touré, country director, Mali office; all are staff of CapacityPlus lead partner IntraHealth International. Ok Pannenborg, chair of the CapacityPlus Global Advisory Board on Strengthening Medical, Nursing, and Public Health Schools in Developing Countries, will also participate in the conference.
Monday, January 27
9:00 a.m.–11:00 p.m.
Side Event 9: Private-Sector Models for Preservice Training for Health Workers
Kate Tulenko is a speaker.
2:00–5:30 p.m.
Side Event 10: Optimizing the Use of Scarce Resources in Order to Scale Up and Transform Health Professional Education: The Role of Good Management
Rebecca Bailey and Ok Pannenborg are speakers.
Wednesday, January 29
1:30–3:00 p.m.
Plenary 2: Implementing Global Human Resources for Health Education Reform: Examining Experiences and the Evidence
Rebecca Bailey presents “More bang for the buck: Best buys for scaling up the production of competent and qualified health professionals,” and Jehu Iputo of Walter Sisulu University School of Medicine presents “Estimating the cost of health professional education and training: Results of a study at the Walter Sisulu University School of Medicine.”
3:30–5:30 p.m.
Parallel Session 2.4: What Difference Can Transformative Learning Make to Improving Performance of Health Workers?
Cheick Touré presents “Using Learning for Performance approach enhances preservice education systems for nurses and midwives in Mali.”
3:30–5:30 p.m.
Parallel Session 2.5: Young and Poor, Old and Rich: Health Workforce Responses to the Economic and Demographic Transition
Kate Tulenko is a speaker.
3:30–5:30 p.m.
Parallel Session 2.6: Partnering for Impact: Scaling Up the Health Professional Workforce
Rebecca Bailey presents “Development, implementation, and assessment of an IVR mLearning family planning in-service refresher training for nurses and midwives in Senegal.”
Thursday, January 30
9:00–10:00 a.m.
Plenary 3: Achieving Universal Health Coverage: Addressing Health Workforce Inequity
Kate Tulenko presents “Contribution by CapacityPlus on improved health workforce distribution in Africa and strengthening health workforce information systems.”
3:30–5:30 p.m.
Parallel Session 4.3: Health Workforce Lifecycle: Challenges Health Workers Face in Dynamic Contexts
Rebecca Bailey and Ok Pannenborg present “Achieving health equity through more efficient and effective management of health professional schools.”
Bailey is also presenting a poster, “Reforming health education institutions to eliminate gender discrimination.”
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Image courtesy of Prince Mahidol Award Conference